Wednesday, November 20, 2013

It all starts here.

So, we did it.  We are crazy enough to have moved our whole family to Costa Rica for 3 months.  We saved up frequent flyer miles for the airfare, and rented out our house in South Jordan so that we could afford to rent a place in Costa Rica, and now we are here!  It has been fun, and scary, and exciting, and beautiful so far and we've only been here a few days.

None of our 3 kids had been on a plane before (not that they could remember).  Michael, age 8, was impressed with the airport, and the airplane and the gear. Ella was sweet, as always, and liked looking at the big airplanes, and getting treats for the flight.  Violet, my little walking tornado, was excited, and then devastated, and then thrilled, and then completely bored.  She did not accept that she was supposed to keep her seatbelt on, or that she was supposed to stay in her seat for the flight.  She hid behind me whenever anyone spoke to her, but when they didn't speak to her, she screamed.  I guess that is typical for an almost-three-year-old.  Typical is far from easy, however. 

The before pic at the airport.  We need to remember to take an after pic at the airport when we go home.

Mom and Dad were both kind enough to drive us to the airport (and take us to lunch on the way), because the 5 of us and all our luggage didn't fit in one car.

Happy kids!

Really happy kids!!

Super silly, happy, crazy kids.

Ella watching the airplanes.

Michael wondered how such a big heavy plane could fly.

I never know what Violet is thinking...

or what she will do next.

Watching movies on the plane so we don't drive everyone else crazy.

Good thing we know some of the other passengers.

She was so excited!!!

Getting off in Dallas.

Having fun at the mall in Dallas.

We had enough rewards points for two nights at Marriott hotels.  The first was in Dallas, where we had a lay over of the 20 hour variety.  We spent most of our time in the hotel pool, and I wondered why I ever do anything with my family besides swim.  They love it.  Violet is fearless, and self-entertaining (mostly), Ella is a sneaky learner, and becoming almost as good a swimmer as Michael.  Michael plays too rough... someone always seems to get hurt emotionally or physically.  It was nice that Chad was there to rough house with him and use up some of that energy.  Our second Marriott night was in San Jose, the capitol of, and biggest city in Costa Rica.  I don't love San Jose. To be fair, I haven't spent much time there, but I have observed it to be dirty and loud and crowded and smelly.... all things that a country full of rainforest shouldn't really be, if you ask me.  We picked up our rental car and drove, very quickly and very aggressively so as to not stick out too much. 

                                                          The new Family Ride

Shanty towns of San Jose

Leaving San Jose

Welcome to the Jungle!!!
We decided to stop at a Rainforest Adventure tour on our way to our rental house in Puerto Viejo de Talamanca (a 4 + hour drive from San Jose).  It was a place that offers tram-style rides through the rainforest, in hopes of seeing wildlife and appreciating the beauty that Costa Rica has to offer. I thought it would be a great way to help the kids appreciate what an amazing place we were now in.  We ate a delicious Tico lunch, which the kids snubbed their noses at because it didn't come in nugget form. While we ate lunch, the kids discovered why they call this the RAINforest.  By the time we got on the funny little tram car, we were pretty wet.  By the time we got off the tram after our 60 minute tour, we were soaked through.  It was still fun, but we didn't see much wildlife, just one little pretty snake, curled up on a leaf, that our guide Ricardo told us was an Eyelash Viper.... extremely poisonous.  We tried to get back to the car, but found that the river had risen and taken over the road.  After another 30 minutes of walking in the rain, we reached our cars, very wet, very tired, and very behind schedule.  It was definitely an adventure. 

Chad's phone didn't take great photos, but they show a bit of our Rainforest Adventure.

We had just driven over this road an hour earlier...

We reached our "Jungle House" in Puerto Viejo well after dark.  We couldn't really see the surroundings, but we were greeted by Iris and Irina, a mother and her daughter who own and  manage the house we are renting, as well as a small number of hotel rooms, 2 other children, 2 dogs,  and their own home on the same lot.  Our Jungle House is a lot like a nice tree house, made with beautiful wood, and many many screened windows and doors.  I wasn't sure if I liked it that first night.  I could see evidence of termites in some of the beams, the kitchen is skeletal (but existent), and within minutes my children found bugs larger than their own hands. I worried about the kids as they slept in their mosquito netted beds, and I listened to the jungle chirp and squeak and whisper around us, and I wondered if we had made a mistake in coming here.  However, after seeing it in all its glory in the VERY early sunlight, and after a little sleep, I've decided I quite like this place.  It is not very modern, and not at all like the house I left behind in South Jordan, and doesn't have "hot" water,  but I'm pretty sure that is the point of all this. 

Our sweet "Jungle House" aka Monte Sol.

Upstairs Porch

Violet was more excited to see this cat than she was to see monkeys.

The master suite. This and the 2 kids bedrooms and 1 bathroom are on the top level.

The girls' room. Michael's room looks a lot like this except with just one bed, and a little space for a built in desk.

For all of you who are thinking of coming to visit us... your room is ready and waiting!

Our cozy kitchen.  With the windows open, it is not too stuffy.  We don't usually eat at the bar... we eat outside on a little table on the downstairs patio. The fridge here must be older than I am.  I'm sure of it. We were supplied with a few pots and pans and basic eating utensils.  I am regretting that I did not make room in my luggage for my Calphalon pan set.

We have two identical bathrooms with showers on the lower floor. 

All the water in the house is cold except for in one shower.  It has a funny little heater inside the shower head that heats the water as it comes out to a balmy 'warmish'. I'm not sure Uncle Tab would think this electrical work is up to code.  And whatever you do, don't touch it unless you are ready for a shock.


  1. Please keep posting! I'm in awe and jealous if your adventures! What a wonderful experience!!

  2. I'm jealous, except for the daily cold showers part...
